UGLACY B.A.C.C. CAREY GENERATION ONE ROS: 1. KILL A SIM ANY SIM 2. JOIN A CLUB RESIDENTS: Jade: Adult Drew: Adult Aiyana: Teenager Eddie: Child Sean: Child Monday: New house, must have got glitched or needed more room welcome wagon Cindy, Julie and Myleene Brown Sean brings food over to the seat Aiyana got a job in Law enforcement and got a promotion and Eddie plays with putting aspiration reward to get charisma (I always forgot about aspiration rewards) Tuesday: time to sell Jade@Juicy Rank 8 Drew's dining table Jade is now a business Tycoon time for twins birthday Eddie Romance/ Grilled Cheese eat 200 grilled cheese sandwiches and straight Sean (dark hair) Family/Knowledge Captain hero and gay Drew teaches how to study for her homework we add another two community lots Wednesday: Jade cleans the oven Aiyana and Eddie play red hands Jade buys new clothes fami...