UGLACY B.A.C.C. SWASH GENERATION ONE ROS: Female bonding (girl only day) (Not done) Redecorate a room with a theme (done) RESIDENTS: Joe: (adult) Stacy: (adult) Michael: (teenager) Myleene: (teenager) Emily: (toddler) Harry: (toddler) Bonkers and Pop - cats Monday: Nearly a family picture all there (Michael is the heir) the toddlers learn how to use the potty the cats get look after too and Stacy gets a promotion. Tuesday: Michael's Matt's Rank 6 Stacy's Dance Studio Rank 6 A Fish Shop Rank 6 Joe got a promotion and family life continues. Wednesday: A family morning lots to do Joe managed to reach his ltw of Captain hero and new ltw is Golden anniversary, birthday time. Harry and Emily and the two older ones Michael and Myleene went off to university. Thursday: Joe and Stacy has some together He helps Emily with her homework ...