UGLACY B.A.C.C. ELBA ROS: 1. Pregnant (someone gets pregnant not) 2. Matchmaker (use the matchmaker) RESIDENTS: Idris: Elder Talin: Adult Lois: teenager Luthor: teenager Kimthe the cat Monday: Idris is off to work, while Talin hugs the cat Lois plays the handheld so does Luthor (who wants to be in the slacker career) and the adults skill. Tuesday: off to the game shop rank 6 to the tv shop rank 6 and Lois opened up a shop (forgot what is called) rank 6 Luthor got a date with the matchmaker Carly Fuchs 2blts and the Cowells came to visit. Wednesday: Idris takes a picture then skills and time for a birthday Talin is now an elder and Lois goes off to University. Thursday: Talin interacts with Kim Idris plays chess Luthor wanted to go on another date this is Matilda Ramsay (I think) and later on Luthor has another date with Carly Fuchs. Friday: let...