UGLY B.A.C.C 3 STASTICS Sims Elders: 4 Adults: 25 Teeangers: 11 Children: 5 Toddlers: 5 Babies: 5 Total:55 Aspirations: Romance: 5 Pleasure: 4 Knowledge: 10 Family: 12 Fortune: 10 Popularity: 8 Male: 33 Female: 27 Total: 60 Careers: Business (1 Business Tycoon) 8 Celebrity Chefs: (2 Chefs) 1 Architecture: 1 Music: 1 Criminal 5 Military (1 General) Athletics: 5 Police: 1 Dance: 1 Slacker: 1 Journalism: 1 Entertainment: 1 Unemployed: 1 Owned Business; Cowell's Grocery - Simon Cowell Dai's Diner - Rose Dai The Dice - Barry Cowell 3-in-1 Bookstore - Sari Cowell Sheridan's Music Club - Sheridan Smith (1 business District ( 1 Business tycoon) The Club - Clarence Smith The Florist - Natalie Smith The TvShop - Idris Elba The Game Shop - Talin Elba What Kimberly Wears - Kimberely Walsh (2nd business district?) Cox's Cooking Shop - Armando Walsh Kerry's Shop - Kerry Walsh EJ's music store - Elton John Jace's Jukebox...