UGLACY B.A.C.C. HASTINGS R.O.S: Major: have a baby (already having one) Major: quit job RESIDENTS: Spencer (adult) Toby (adult) Caleb (toddler) Ezera (toddler) Sheba (dog) Monday: Spencer is pregnant again the two toddlers play with their toys and time to have birthdays this one I think is Ezera and Caleb. Toby quit his job and got another one as being Professional Party Guest. Tuesday: We have another burglary and Toby goes to their business Another Fish Shop Rank 6 The Toy shop Rank 6 as well Spencer eats for two and Toby helps of the twins with heir homework and Spencer gives Sheba a bath. Wednesday: and we start the day off with a birth It's a boy and called Jason when the twins get home from school one of them plays with the dog Toby gets a promotion and the children play on the activity table together. Thursday: toby taking of Jason before he goes off...