UGLACY B.A.C.C. RAMSAY RESIDENTS: Gordon (adult) Tania (adult) Meghan (teenager) Holly (teenager) Jack (child) Matilda (child) R.O.S. Minor: friends go on outing with friends (achieved) Major: Teen runaway from home (failed) Monday: Meghan went off to University nearly everybody came down to say goodbye Holly had a date with David Brown and her first kiss. Tuesday: Gordon goes off to 'this and that' Store and gets up to rank 6 He also goes off too Grilled Cheese store and gets it up to Rank 6 with Tania's help Matilda plays with the wolf and Holly clears up the old newspapers. Wednesday: Tania has a lie from working so late Matilda and Jack as children as it is their birthday Matilda Romance/Grilled cheese Visionary and straight Jack Knoweldge/popularity City Planner and straight. Thursday: Ok I cheated and made everyone enemies with Ja...