UGLACY PRETTACY HASTINGS RESIDENTS: Spencer Hastings: Knowledge/pleasure Hand of Poseidon Scorpio 6/5/8/3/3 Toby Hastings: Family/Knowledge marry off 6 children Cancer 6/3/6/4/6 Monday: Spencer and Toby the first thing they do Welcome wagon Armando Walsh, Clarence Smith and Peachy Heselden at the end of the day Toby adopts Sheba little dog. Tuesday: Toby got a job in education but got fired by a chance card Spencer is pregnant and afternoon nap it is for both of them. Wednesday: chatting to someone bump two Spencer cleaning a puddle and toby giving Sheba a wash. Thursday: time for the babies but I will tell you minute what Spencer had, she opened up a fish shop called "not another fish shop" rank 5 Spencer had twin boys called Caleb and Ezera and Toby opened his store called the Toybox Rank 5 Friday: quick play with Sheba in the morning Toby had to...