
Showing posts from March, 2019


UGLACY B.A.C.C. ELBA RESIDENTS: Idris Elba: Knowledge/pleasure Criminal Mastermind  Gemini 4/7/8/3/3 Monday: Idris Welcome Wagon consists of Rose Dai, Clarence Smith and Marie Rauscher Idris played with a pretty kitty called Kim. Tuesday: skilling some friends over Linda Barthlet and Talin Deppiese (2 blts) and we adopt kim the cat. Wednesday: Idris has date with Talin went really well Talin moves in £15,000 knowledge/Fortune max out seven skills Pisces 5/4/7/3/7 and went to bed. Thursday: Talin and Idris and Kim the cat The Game shop got to Rank 5 but cos the witches keep leaving bugs, Talin who was the cashier kept disappearing to spray the bugs.. Friday: making a meal and we find out that Idris is pregnant and Talin plays with the cat. Saturday: Talin got a job in gaming and got fired by a chance card animals fighting another pop and...


UGLACY B.A.C.C. SMITH RESIDENTS: Sheridan: Family/pop Golden Anniversary Virgo 9/2/4/3/5 Monday: Welcome Wagon consists of Rose Dai, Craig Ray and Clarence Philipines Clarence and Sheridan get on very well. Tuesday: Sheridan looking for treasure has a date with Clarence and he moves in with £5,000 Family/knowledge Golden Anniversary Cancer 6/3/6/4/6 As Clarence was already in the culinary career we opened Clarence's CafĂ© Rank 5. It took a lot longer than Dai's Diner though. Wednesday: I think Sheridan maybe pregnant Clarence looking through the telescope during the day We have opened another community lot called Sheridan's music club. I hate doing venues and double evil witches. Thursday: we have engagement we have a marriage (yes Sheridan is pregnant) we have cake and Clarence got a promotion. Friday: a bump meal for two and chatting on the ph...


B.A.C.C. UGLACY COWELL RESIDENTS: Simon (adult) Rose Dai (adult) Ryan Cowell (baby) Sari Cowell (baby) Monday: Simon got a promotion talked to Rose about gaming time for toddlers should have got better pics of the toddlers. Tuesday: potty training face and Sari potty training is done and gets a back massage from Eric. Wednesday: breakfast with Simon pay the bills and toddlers play. As you can't have nannies yet Rose is using her vacation days until she can work again. Thursday: one last cuddle before they grow up to be children. Friday: Rose was going to work but nobody would be home when the children get home so I stopped her Simon helped Ryan with his homework and Rose did a portrait of herself. Saturday: Ryan spend all day on the piano and  maxed out his creativity Simon needed a creativity point and Sari nearly maxed out logic ...